Acupuncture is a system of healing that has been practised in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. Its main focus is on improving our overall well-being, rather than the isolated treatment of specific symptoms.
Running throughout the body is an energy force known as Qi. The flow of Qi within the body influences a person’s health and well being – when a person is healthy Qi moves in a smooth-flowing and balanced way through a series of channels in the body, called meridians. Through various factors, Qi can become unbalanced and the flow insufficient and illness can occur. By inserting fine needles into the meridians, an acupuncturist can stimulate the body’s healing response and help restore its natural balance.
Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the culmination of around 2,000 years’ worth of observational research and health study.
Each treatment is custom-tailored to each individual matching their needs, lifestyle and condition to achieve maximum treatment effect. Sessions are 75 minutes for your initial consultation and treatment, and follow-up appointments are 60 minutes.
- Acupuncture is very safe when performed properly.
- It has few side effects
- It is becoming more available in conventional medical settings
- It may help to control various types of pain
Research on acupuncture treatment has shown that it may be helpful for back or neck pain, headaches and migraine, for postoperative pain and oesteoarthritis of the knee.
Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture may also help with fatigue, digestive problems like IBS and constipation, and hormonal imbalances.
Practitioner: Tina
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Wellbeing Care Plan
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