In order to help you make sure you are getting the most out of your massage, we have put together a guide to help you ensure you are choosing the best massage for you; or perhaps you want to shake things up a little and try something new……
For the treatment of acute injury and pain:
Remedial Therapy Asssessement & Treatment (Sports Therapy): a complete treatment, including postural assessment, followed by corrective massage techniques and a tailored advice and exercise programme for a speedier recovery.
Remedial Massage: uses corrective massage techniques, focusing on the injured areas plus any sites of referred pain.
Maintenance Treatments for chronic pain and healthy muscle
Sports Massage: a maintenance treatment using a range of massage techniques on healthy muscle, delivered to a specific area of overused muscle. You don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from a Sports Massage; it is suitable for any overused muscle.
Deep Tissue Massage: a maintenance treatment using a range of massage techniques on healthy muscle, carried out in a sequence similar to that of Swedish Massage, but as the name suggests, massaging the deeper layers of soft tissue. A good choice for helping to relieve pain and stiffness.
Swedish Massage: a maintenance treatment, carried out in a rhythmic sequence and focusing on the more superficial muscles of the body. The pressure applied to the body during Swedish Massage can be adjusted to suit your individual preference but is generally lighter than that of Deep Tissue Massage. Perfect for relaxing and reducing built-up tension.
Indian Head Massage: massage to the upper back, neck, shoulders, head and scalp. Ideal for promoting relaxation and often favoured by people who experience tension headaches.
Aromatherapy: a light massage, applied with pure essential oils blended in a Grapeseed carrier oil. A wonderfully relaxing treatment.