The Oxford English Dictionary defines the Bucket List as “A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime” or, to put it more simply, stuff you want to do before it’s too late!
We were discussing bucket list ideas at the Centre recently and some of us had some interesting ones – such as scuba diving in the Maldives; ice skating in Central Park; writing a book; swimming the length of Windermere; driving a Mustang. No shortage of imagination with this bunch!!
We then started wondering which of our treatments should be on everybody’s bucket list and we universally agreed that Reflexology should be right at the top! Reflexology is the massage of specific points and areas on the feet, hands or ears and Reflexologists believe that these reflex points correspond to different organs and systems within the body. This stimulation is believed to have a beneficial effect on the body. Although not used to diagnose health problems, millions of people around the world use Reflexology to help with issues such as stress, anxiety, headaches and PMS.
So back to the Bucket List – here are our top 10 reasons why Reflexology should be on everyone’s Bucket List:
1st Reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment and this alone makes it a firm favourite
2nd It aims to balance the whole body and help it work as effectively as possible
3rd Circulation can be improved with Reflexology, particularly in the legs and feet
4th Reflexology can help you feel more balanced and allows you to “let go” and relax which can have a positive impact on stress levels
5th It reduces tension throughout the whole body
6th Reflexology helps to gently detoxify the body – which is why it is important to drink lots of water after a treatment to help with the elimination of toxins
7th It can help boost the immune system thereby increasing the body’s natural ability to fight infection and disease
8th Most clients report sleeping longer and deeper following Reflexology
9th Even though Reflexology is a physical therapy it can also help on an emotional level
10th The balancing effects of Reflexology means that you can feel re-energised following a treatment
So, whilst we may have to wait a while to experience the thrill of driving that Mustang, we can make a start on our bucket lists now by trying Reflexology!