Pre-menstrual syndrome, or pre-menstrual tension (PMT), is the term given to the changes a woman experiences in the days leading up to her monthly period, these can be physical, emotional or behavioural. The most common reported are irritability, tension and mood swings, as well as tiredness, bloating and pain. The symptoms are thought to be linked to hormonal changes, although lifestyle factors such as diet or stress can have a big effect.
A study carried out by the Division of Behavioural Medicine at the California Graduate Institute showed that Reflexology can be used to alleviate the symptoms of PMS. A group of thirty-five women were each given 30 mins of reflexology once a week for 8 weeks, one group with a trained reflexologist and the other with placebo reflexology. The group receiving genuine reflexology reported a significant decrease in symptoms.
If you are one of the wide number of women who suffer from PMS, pay a visit to one of our experienced Reflexologists today to see how it could help you.
by Liz Kenny